Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions in Carbon Zero may include inquiries about solar panel installation, maintenance, and energy savings.
See some of our most asked questions. Do you have a question we haven’t answered? Contact us today for any questions you have for us!

A solar installation is a system that captures energy from the sun and converts it into electricity or heat for use in homes, businesses, and other applications.

A solar installation typically consists of solar panels, an inverter, and a battery (in some cases). The panels capture sunlight and convert it into direct current (DC) electricity. The inverter then converts the DC electricity into alternating current (AC) electricity, which can be used to power homes and businesses or fed back into the electrical grid.

The benefits of a solar installation include reduced energy bills, decreased dependence on fossil fuels, reduced carbon emissions, and potentially increased property values.

The cost of a solar installation depends on several factors, including the size of the system, the type of panels used, and the location of the installation. However, the cost has decreased significantly in recent years and may be offset by government incentives and tax credits.

Most solar panels come with a warranty of 25 years, and many installations can last 30 years or more with proper maintenance.