Battery Powered

Battery Back-Up Solution

Solar and battery energy storage work in perfect unison. Battery storage enhances the solar systems' power far beyond limitations set by sunlight, creating seamless energy delivery to your home or business and opening up endless possibilities while saving you on costs.

Immediate power supply for your business. Battery storage solutions provide reliable energy to your energy needs, ensuring you receive electricity when you need it most. When the power goes off, so does your business. Load-shedding disrupt operations and cause serious financial damage. Reduce your dependence on the grid with a battery storage solution.

When you deploy a battery backup solution, your business’s power supply will not be affected by load shedding or power failures, meaning your business can continue to operate and will not be affected by power outages meaning less downtime and product wastage during manufacturing. Storing energy in a battery backup system generated during daytime for consumption and use during peak times or nighttime can greatly reduce energy costs.

Get The Energy

The leading solution to combating low-power situations and improving your energy situations for the better. Carbon Zero Solar have all the solutions you need.